212 research outputs found

    Estudio de viabilidad para la creación de un café literario en la ciudad de Pereira

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo realizar un estudio de viabilidad para la creación de un café literario en la ciudad de Pereira, dicho estudio se llevó a cabo mediante: El estudio de mercados, para analizar el comportamiento de la población, establecer la oferta y demanda del sector económico, definir los clientes potenciales, la competencia y la estrategia comercial del proyecto. El estudio técnico, para determinar la ubicación del Café literario, la distribución de planta, la estructura organizacional y los procesos que se implementarían, así como los recursos, los costos y el punto de equilibrio necesarios para el desarrollo del proyecto. El estudio financiero, para conocer la proyección de venta de los productos ofrecidos, así como una proyección del flujo de caja y estado de resultados hasta el año 2021, con el propósito de cuantificar las necesidades básicas del café literario, su viabilidad y tasa de retorno de la inversión. El estudio legal, para conocer las normas que rigen y en las que el proyecto se sustentará para poder ser implementado posteriormente

    Uso de menadiona para aumentar la tolerancia al estrés salino de las plantas

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    Uso de menadiona para aumentar la tolerancia al estrés salino de las plantas. Esta invención está relacionada con el uso de composiciones que contienen menadiona (Vitamina K3 o Provitamina K) y/o algunos de sus derivados hidrosolubles para la mejora de la tolerancia al estrés salino de las plantas afectadas. El tratamiento se lleva a cabo mediante la aplicación de las soluciones que contengan los citados compuestos por cualquier vía que ponga en contacto las composiciones de la invención con cualquier parte de la planta y/o semillas.Peer reviewedB1 Patente con informe sobre el estado de la ténic

    Development of Retrotransposon-Based Molecular Markers for Characterization of Persea americana (Avocado) Cultivars and Horticultural Races

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    Persea americana (avocado) represents one of the most demanded food products worldwide, with an important impact in several agronomy-based economies. The avocado is one of the most salt sensitive and valuable crops. It is therefore necessary to use salt-tolerant varieties, such as the West Indian, for cultivation in locations with soil salinity problems, such as the Canary Islands. Therefore, characterization of avocado cultivars is in demand, as well as development of molecular tools able to easily identify the main avocado cultivars and horticultural races. In the present work, inter-Primer Binding Site (iPBS) and Inter-Retrotransposon Amplified Polymorphism (IRAP) techniques, which are based on retrotransposon with Long Terminal Repeats (LTR), have been implemented for the first time in P. americana, allowing the characterization of genetic variation among cultivars from the three main horticultural races and the identification of potential P. americana LTR sequences. The iPBS approach showed clear advantages over its technical implementation, and allowed a better delimitation of horticultural races, especially when focused on West Indian cultivars. However, both techniques generated reproducible genetic fingerprints that not only allowed genetic characterization of each cultivar analyzed, but also revealed potential molecular markers for the identification of avocado cultivars and horticultural races.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluación clínica de implantes rehabilitados con sobredentaduras sobre pilares de bola en maxilar inferior y sometidos a carga inmediata

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    Objetivo: Evaluar clínicamente el comportamiento de los Implantes BioHorizons RMR® (BIOHORIZONS INTERNAL IMPLANT SYSTEM®) de 3.8 x 15 ó 3.8 x 12mm, cargados inmediatamente y rehabilitados con sobredentaduras sobre pilares en bola en maxilar inferior; y el comportamiento de la sobredentadura en cuanto a retención, estabilidad, oclusión, fisuras, fracturas y defectos en los ajustes. Materiales y método: Este estudio, pre-experimental, consideró la población de adultos desdentados totales inferiores que asistían a las clínicas odontológicas de una entidad universitaria. La muestra fue seleccionada por conveniencia, de 15 pacientes desdentados totales inferiores, que recibieron dos implantes cada uno, y que cumplían con los criterios de inclusión de la investigación. Resultados: Un total de 30 implantes fueron posicionados con 15 sobredentaduras. Se presentó una pérdida de un implante, debido a una longitud y diámetro del implante no apta para el remanente óseo disponible. En la evaluación peri-implantar, no se encontró alteración significativa en índice de placa modificado, sangrado gingival, alteración de contorno gingival o periimplantitis. Los resultados indicaron ausencia de fracturas, fisuras, o alteraciones en la retención, oclusión o estabilidad en la parte protésica de la sobredentadura. Se encontró una satisfacción del 100% en los controles realizados. Conclusión: A pesar del corto período de observación y de las limitaciones del estudio, los implantes utilizados, registraron éxito en el comportamiento clínico y radiográfico durante la carga inmediata de sobredentaduras retenidas con pilares de bola; por lo tanto, el procedimiento rehabilitador aplicado podría ser una opción válida en el tratamiento del paciente desdentado inferior

    Abscisic acid mimic-fluorine derivative 4 alleviates water deficit stress by regulating ABA-responsive genes, proline accumulation, CO2 assimilation, water use efficiency and better nutrient uptake in tomato plants

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    Water deficit represents a serious limitation for agriculture and both genetic and chemical approaches are being used to cope with this stress and maintain plant yield. Next-generation agrochemicals that control stomatal aperture are promising for controlling water use efficiency. For example, chemical control of abscisic acid (ABA) signaling through ABA-receptor agonists is a powerful method to activate plant adaptation to water deficit. Such agonists are molecules able to bind and activate ABA receptors and, although their development has experienced significant advances in the last decade, few translational studies have been performed in crops. Here, we describe protection by the ABA mimic-fluorine derivative 4 (AMF4) agonist of the vegetative growth in tomato plants subjected to water restriction. Photosynthesis in mock-treated plants is markedly impaired under water deficit conditions, whereas AMF4 treatment notably improves CO2 assimilation, the relative plant water content and growth. As expected for an antitranspirant molecule, AMF4 treatment diminishes stomatal conductance and transpiration in the first phase of the experiment; however, when photosynthesis declines in mock-treated plants as stress persists, higher photosynthetic and transpiration parameters are recorded in agonist-treated plants. Additionally, AMF4 increases proline levels over those achieved in mock-treated plants in response to water deficit. Thus water deficit and AMF4 cooperate to upregulate P5CS1 through both ABA-independent and ABA-dependent pathways, and therefore, higher proline levels are produced Finally, analysis of macronutrients reveals higher levels of Ca, K and Mg in AMF4- compared to mock-treated plants subjected to water deficit. Overall, these physiological analyses reveal a protective effect of AMF4 over photosynthesis under water deficit and enhanced water use efficiency after agonist treatment. In summary, AMF4 treatment is a promising approach for farmers to protect the vegetative growth of tomatoes under water deficit stress

    Molecular analysis of menadione-induced resistance against biotic stress in Arabidopsis

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    19 páginas, 6 figuras, 2 tablas.Menadione sodium bisulphite (MSB) is a water-soluble derivative of vitamin K3, or menadione, and has been previously demonstrated to function as a plant defence activator against several pathogens in several plant species. However, there are no reports of the role of this vitamin in the induction of resistance in the plant model Arabidopsis thaliana. In the current study, we demonstrate that MSB induces resistance by priming in Arabidopsis against the virulent strain Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (Pto) without inducing necrosis or visible damage. Changes in gene expression in response to 0.2 mm MSB were analysed in Arabidopsis at 3, 6 and 24 h post-treatment using microarray technology. In general, the treatment with MSB does not correlate with other publicly available data, thus MSB produces a unique molecular footprint. We observed 158 differentially regulated genes among all the possible trends. More up-regulated genes are included in categories such as 'response to stress' than the background, and the behaviour of these genes in different treatments confirms their role in response to biotic and abiotic stress. In addition, there is an over-representation of the G-box in their promoters. Some interesting functions are represented among the individual up-regulated genes, such as glutathione S-transferases, transcription factors (including putative regulators of the G-box) and cytochrome P450s. This work provides a wide insight into the molecular cues underlying the effect of MSB as a plant resistance inducer.This work was partially funded by an INVESCAN, S.L. grant (No.OTT2001438) to the CSIC and by a BIO2006-02168 grant of MICINN to PT. The microarrays were funded in part by the “Genome España” Foundation. MER was supported by a research contract (ID-TF-06/002) from the Consejería de Industria, Comercio y Nuevas Tecnologías (Gobierno de Canarias). The authors thank CajaCanarias for their research support. We also thank Lorena Perales for her help in performing the bacterial growth curves, Dr. Héctor Cabrera for his useful advice on writing the manuscript, the English translation service of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia and Mrs. Pauline Agnew whose endeavoured to edit the English translation of this paper.Peer reviewe

    Longitudinal analysis of academic performance of higher education students in autonomous learning environments

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    El E-learning implica autogestión del aprendizaje, cuando el entorno virtual exige un alto nivel de autonomía se puede prescindir de un docente porque los recursos tecno-educativos se auto operan para aprender. En estas condiciones, la ausencia de un docente/compañeros podría generar la percepción de aislamiento y favorecer resultados negativos en el aprendizaje. Por tanto, evaluar el papel de la presencia social en cursos con un alto nivel de autonomía es importante para describir cómo y en qué condiciones puede afectar el rendimiento de los estudiantes. El objetivo es comparar las calificaciones de dos grupos matriculados en un curso autónomo en línea; a uno se le aplicó una condición de “presencia social mínima” y el otro grupo fingió como control. Se ha aplicado un muestreo no aleatorio (n=137) y se utilizó un diseño factorial mixto 2x5. Los factores del diseño de investigación fueron “presencia social” y “tiempo”; se midieron las calificaciones del curso en cinco momentos diferentes; para analizar los datos se estimó un ANOVA factorial para diseños mixtos. Se evidenció que no existe interacción entre tiempo y presencia social, ni efectos principales de la presencia social sobre las calificaciones; sin embargo, el tiempo fue un factor significativo para explicar la varianza en las calificaciones. Estos resultados se discuten en términos de los alcances que pueden tener los cursos autónomos y el papel de la presencia social en condiciones de aprendizaje con un alto nivel de autonomía.E-learning implies the self-management of learning. When the virtual environment demands a high level of autonomy, it is possible to do without a teacher because the technoeducational resources are self-operated to promote learning conditions. Under these conditions, the absence of a teacher/classmates could create a perception of isolation and favour negative outcomes in the process of learning, thus, to evaluate the social presence in courses with a high level of autonomy is important to describe how and under what conditions it can affect the student’s performance. The main purpose of this study was to compare the grades of two groups enrolled in an autonomous online course; one of them got a “minimal social presence” condition and the other group served as a control group. 137 college students participated, the sampling was not random and it was used a mixed factorial design 2 X 5. The factors of the research design were a) Social Presence and b) time; the dependent variable, the grades of the course were measured in five different times, to analyze the data, a mixed-factorial ANOVA design was calculated. The outcome shows that there is no interaction between time x Social Presence nor main effects of Social Presence over the grades; however, time was a significant factor to explain the variance in the evaluations. These results are discussed in terms of the scopes that autonomous courses may have and the roll of the Social Presence in learning conditions with a high level of self-management and autonomy.Programa UNAM-DGAPA-PAPIME (PE300817), Laboratorio de Ciencia y Tecnología para la Investigación en Ciencias Sociales y de la Salud (LaCiTICSS).peerReviewe

    Bioinformatics Discovery of Vertebrate Cathelicidins from the Mining of Available Genomes

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    Due to the worrying increase in antimicrobial resistance to conventional antibiotics, the search for alternatives is becoming increasingly important. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), originating from natural resources, have been recognised as a novel class of antibiotics. An advantage of peptides over antibiotics is that the resistance is more difficult to attain than for conventional antibiotics. With the increasing number of genomes sequenced and available in the public domain, one alternative methodology to obtain novel AMPs is to analyse genes and proteins from genomic databases to predict and identify amino acid sequences that share similarities and molecular features with natural bioactive antimicrobial peptides. In this chapter, we summarise some of our recent results on the production of antimicrobial peptides, particularly, how we managed to identify a family of antimicrobial peptides: cathelicidins, through bioinformatics tools, from the genomes of two lower vertebrates (a reptile and a bird) available in public databases. We hope that our preliminary investigation with these novel peptides could be useful for the design of future strategies that pursue the production of antimicrobial peptides through biotechnology